
Live Shoot

We had the pleasure of shooting a live video of The Great Saboteur wednesday night with the help of our friends Ryan Girouard, Brock Bowers, and Erich McVey. Again, thank you guys so much for your dedication, help, and support. We are really excited to see how it turns out. We wanted to make a sweet looking video, but not play to a track. I think we all find it more exciting and meaningful if we capture a true live performance, so i mic'd everything up, and we recorded a true live performance. I mixed the audio yesterday for some hours and it turned out great. We will let you know when it is finished and y'all can check it out. We have never done anything like this before so it was quite the fun experiment. You learn a lot about yourselves when you see video playback. Apparently i have demon eyes. I apologize for this, it's my moms fault. More to come soon! i am listening to what could very well be the final mix of the full length album this very second, which is swell. I will try to keep updating on the progress, we are really going to need your support when we have our release party, hope to see everyone there.



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